Thursday, February 13, 2014

Well I failed you.
OK I probably didn't fail anyone except me - I think I'm the only one who reads this tripe.
So be it.
But the simple matter is, no matter who reads it I promised more posts, more regular and failed.

Well I won't make another promise that I'll probably break again.
But I will say, that I got my smaller more protable camera back today, the Olympus EM-5 so I will have a camera more handy to my person and hope that I will manage to exploit that and generate some shots.
And then post them.

For today here's a bit of an abstract.



For users familiar with the TransAdelaide rail network, you may well work out what it is and what the various elements are.

For everyone else, just know that I was/am still - considering an abstract series of parts of my journey to/from work.
This was the first shot - actually there were a ton like this.
This is the first select for that series.

Given that I spend about 2 hours each way on public transport, I should at least have time to finish this series.
That's one of the appeals. It turns a semi boring rude home into a bit of a creative challenge.
And one thing really like about this project is there are a number of unifying visual elements across the local public transport system which should, hopefully bind the series into a more cohesive body of work.
Ha!! I even should like an artist.
"Cohesive body of work."?
What next?
An artist's statement?
At least I.m not a hipster.

Please leave a comment if you have an opinion related to this post/image or even previous posts/images and even the blog overall.
Not sure if I've solicited feedback before. So  I am now. Feedback welcome, good or bad, as long as it is constructive.
Actually good feedback does not have to be constructive. Good is enough.
Bad feedback - well, make it  constructive please.
You can make me cry, if you want, but your motivation needs to be purer.
So knock yourself out.

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